Lately there's been some Cerafusion (verb - the act of confusing an object or individual for the actor Michael Cera). Math is involved. Cera looks like some other actors...but those actors don't look like my Chihuahua.
Just as Michael Cera mirrors Bruce's cuteness when he can and Bruce does vice versa...People Magazine Online has mirrored my Blog.
Here's my concern: I don't enjoy People magazine... It's only engaging while in a dentist's waiting room because it's the lesser of 2 evils. Teeth drilling or People? People!
Please visit my Blog voluntarily, not twice a year because you have to.
It's always epic to gaze at Michael Cera and my Chihuahua Bruce's striking physical resemblance.
So you can imagine my hysteric delight when a friend forwarded me a picture he had taken of Michael Cera with the Jersey Shore cast! A science experiement was born: will the 2 still look similar when Michael Cera has the added advantage of being sandwiched by such coolness?
Answer: Yes! If they were a food they'd be Twinkies.
And for you Hard To Pleasers and Cranky Geezers here's Bruce with Michael Cera's lips. 4 words: hee bee gee bees. Thank you for visiting My Chihuahua Looks Like Michael Cera. Please check back next week. Also, special Thank You to Robb Duty and R. Stephan Mohammad.
The two photographs below are seemingly identical. But I kid you not when I say there are 6 very subtle differences! Can you spot the 6 differences? Click on the photo to enlarge. Answers will be revealed at a later date. Special Thank You to Barak Hardley for lending his photo editing talents. Give his Blog a jog! And picture by R. Stephan Mohammed, Esquire.
Michael Cera wears hoodies in a lot of his films. I do not know if he likes them in real life.
One thing is certain, his hood is rarely, if ever, on his head. He rocks the vestigial hood look.
Maybe he is nervous he will look stupid wearing his hood up? To prove this would not be the case, here is a picture of Bruce with his hood up.
Because Michael Cera and Bruce look so much alike, we can assume this is what Michael would look like hood up. See, there's nothing to fear Michael Cera.
I am a writer, here in beautiful Los Angeles. In my free time I enjoy painting, drawing and playing with my pets.
Likes: Bon Iver, brunch, bike riding, manicures, Pilot G2 pens
Dislikes: the shark fin shaped portion on my windshield that my wipers fail to reach, feeling sick, snitches